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Celebrate The Olympic Games Paris 2024
慶祝 2024 年巴黎奧運會

The Olympic Games will commence next month, an event not to be missed. Get in the spirit with our French Rosette brooch, each individually handcrafted by our artisans. Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit.  Support your team!  Available exclusively in luxury boutiques throughout France.

奧運會將於下個月開幕,這是一場不容錯過的盛會。戴上我們的玫瑰花胸針,融入法國精神,每件胸針均由我們的工匠手工製作。永遠不要低估夢想的力量和人類精神的影響力。 支持你的團隊! 僅在法國各地的豪華精品店有售